Well. It's been a while since my last blog but I have a very good reason. I have been away in Ireland. My sister and I had a chance to visit to the country where my Mother was born. The church in Dublin where she was baptised still stands and it was our intention to visit it and then travel to Clonikilty, a small town on the picturesque southern coast of Ireland to attend a wedding.
Our adventure started off with problems at the airport. It was a good thing that we got to the airport early and checked in. Apparently the airline changed planes due to mechanical difficulty and they re-seated all the passengers. My sister and I had paid for preferred seating but when the airline reassigned the seating in the smaller plane, she got the preferred seating but I was assigned to the back in regular seats. We also checked our seat assignment on the return flight and once again, we were not going to be seated together but instead we would be "near" each other. Great! Something to look forward to. The only good thing was that I might get a refund for the extra charge on my preferred seat but the down side was that I would be sitting in steerage so who knows if I'll be able to sleep...despite the neck roll, blanket, eye shades and ear plugs!
When we were finally able to get on the plane, a very nice man changed seats with me...if you can imagine...and let me sit with my sister. What an unselfish act of kindness that we really appreciated.
After arriving in Dublin, we found our downtown hotel quickly before heading out to explore the city. I have travelled in numerous cities but I must say that Dublin is on my list of favourites along with San Fransisco, Barcelona and Buenas Ares. It is very pedestrian friendly and charming. We used the hop-on hop-off bus service which was invaluable and with tickets valid for for two days, it was worth every penny.
Finally we found the church where my Mom was baptised. It is located in the heart of the city near Trinity College. We went inside this lovely old church, lit a candle for my Mom and said a prayer for her. She died some years ago and never had a chance to revisit the country of her birth.
More about my trip on another installment.